
WHO Collaborating Centre for Maternal and Child Health


WHO Collaborating Centre for Maternal and Child Health

大阪母子医療センターは、1991年7月11日、WHO(世界保健機構:World Health Organization)の西太平洋地区の周産期分野における指定研究協力センター(WHO Collaborating Centre for Maternal and Child Health)に指定されました。WHOとの契約書(TOR: Terms of Reference)に応じて、センターの特徴を生かしした活動として、周産期分野における調査研究、発展途上国を中心とした海外の保健医療従事者の研修などを行っています。

Terms of Reference (Feb 2017 – Feb 2021)

  1. To serve as a demonstration site for implementation of WHO's Early Essential Newborn Care (EENC) 
  2. To support WHO in monitoring of hospital-acquired infections during childbirth and postpartum period and for sick children 
  3. To conduct research to support WHO's work on prevention and elimination of disrespect and abuse during facility-based childbirth


妊娠中絶の増加と安全性についてのレポート(March 2018)


家族計画-2018年版ハンドブック(February 2018)

家族計画ハンドブックの第3版が発行されました。 この書籍は、途上国の女性と少女たちの命を守り、望まない妊娠を避けるために有用とされています。




2017年にWHO本部より発行されたWHO推奨(ガイドライン)のうち母子保健、Life-course health関連のガイドラインすべてをリストとして含めました。(January 2018)


周産期施設における母乳育児の保護、推進、サポートガイドライン(December 2017)


世界早産児デーにあわせて、早産に関するFact sheetがアップデートされています(November 2017)


  • 毎年1500万の児が37週未満の早産となっていると推定され、増加傾向です。
  • 早産による合併症は、5歳未満の児の死亡の中でも主たる原因であり、2015年には、約100万がこの原因によると推定されています。
  • この死亡の4分の3は予防可能であると考えられています。
  • 184か国において、出生のうち早産児の割合は、5-18%のレンジとなっています

性と生殖、妊娠期、新生児期、幼児、青年期の健康促進に関する新たなプログラムが報告されました(September 2017)

The Programme Reporting Standards (PRS) is intended for programme managers and other staff or practitioners who have designed, implemented and/or evaluated SRMNCAH programmes. It can be used by governmental and NGOs, bilateral and multilateral agencies, as well as by the private sector. The PRS is also intended as a guide for implementation researchers who need to document important details of implementation and context in addition to the results of their studies




リプロダクティブヘルスに関する記事のご紹介(September 2017)

The WHO Reproductive Health Library (RHL) is a curated collection of high-quality evidence in reproductive health, published by the WHO


IMCI に関する調査報告(September 2017)


This report on the global implementation of IMCI gathered information from 95 countries, in all six WHO regions. Countries fully implementing IMCI were 3.6 times more likely to succeed in reducing the mortality of children under 5 by two thirds (MDG4). But full implementation is least common in high mortality countries and this strategy is not yet reaching many children who need it most.


Promotional leaflet  pdf, 2.21Mb

数百万人の新生児が危険にさらされています(August 2017)

  • WHOとUNICEFは2015年3月にマニラにて、skin-to-skin (STS)キャンペーンを開始しました。その後、新生児死亡率が高い8か国(カンボジア、中国、ラオス、モンゴル、パプアニューギニア、フィリピン、ソロモン諸島、ベトナム)もキャンペーンを開始しました。
  • EENCはこれまで3万人以上の医療者の、医療ケアの質の向上に役立ち、2017年の初めには地域外にも拡大しました。
  • 優先8か国のデータによると、帝王切開時、約25%の児がSkin-to-skin (STS)を実施されています。帝王切開時のSTSのムービーも公開さています。

Preterm babies benefit
from Kangaroo Mother
Care (KMC) through
prolonged and
continuous skin-to-skin
contact. KMC can also
be provided by fathers


First Embrace: progress so far

  • To mobilize public and political support, WHO and UNICEF launched the First Embrace campaign in Manila in March 2015. Since then, it has been launched in eight priority countries with the highest burden of newborn deaths in the Region: Cambodia, China, the Lao PDR, Mongolia, PNG, the Philippines, Solomon Islands and Viet Nam.
  • EENC has now helped over 30 000 health workers improve the quality of the care they provide. Beginning in 2017, First Embrace has expanded to countries outside the Region.
  • “Within four years, EENC has been introduced in 17 countries, benefitting 4 million newborns annually with improved care. This is a remarkable achievement, but we still have 28 000 more health facilities to go,” said Dr Howard Sobel, WHO Coordinator for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health for the Western Pacific Region.

Media Release

(August 2017)

  • 8月第一週の世界母乳育児週間にあわせ、母乳育児関連の出版物やサイトが多く公開されています。和文ではこちらhttp://www.unicef.or.jp/news/2017/0160.html 
  • 世界では、生後6か月未満の完全母乳育児は4割と低くなっています。 



The Global Breastfeeding Scorecard, which evaluated 194 nations, found that only 40 per cent of children younger than six months are breastfed exclusively (given nothing but breastmilk) and only 23 countries have exclusive breastfeeding rates above 60 per cent.

家族計画:避妊方法(July 2017)



Access the WHO fact sheet on family planning and contraception

Greater efforts needed to meet international family planning goals

We know what works- On the occasion of the Family Planning Summit, a series of Evidence Briefs have been co-published by WHO, UK Aid, STEP-UP, and Population Council. These evidence briefs share crucial data on what works to improve contraceptive services and uptake.

Policy Brief

“Managing Complications in Pregnancy and Childbirth” の第2版が出版されました。(June 2017)



 Since the first edition was published in 2000, Managing Complications in Pregnancy and Childbirth has been translated into several languages and today is used widely in training for and the provision of emergency obstetric care. The new edition brings the guidance in the manual into line with WHO’s current recommendations for emergency obstetric and newborn care. This manual is written for midwives and doctors at the district hospital who are responsible for the care of women with complications of pregnancy, childbirth or the immediate postpartum period, including immediate problems of the newborn.

人工妊娠中絶の施策データベース(June 2017)


WHO and the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs have launched a new, open-access database of laws, policies and health standards on abortion in countries worldwide. The database aims to promote greater transparency of abortion laws and policies, as well as to improve countries’ accountability for the protection of women and girls’ health and human rights.

The database is being launched on two platforms:

Preventing unsafe abortion WHO fact sheet

子どもの健康と環境(May 2017)



More than one in four deaths of children under 5 years of age are attributable to unhealthy environments. Every year, environmental risks – such as indoor and outdoor air pollution, second-hand smoke, unsafe water, lack of sanitation, and inadequate hygiene – take the lives of 1.7 million children under 5 years, say two new WHO reports.

News release: The cost of a polluted environment: 1.7 million child deaths a year


新生児ヘルペスの年間患者数の概算が初めて公表されました(April 2017)

不必要な帝王切開術が世界で頻発しています(April 2017)


MHTF:The Global Epidemic of Unnecessary Caesarean Sections

In 1990, roughly one in 15 babies on the planet was born via caesarean section surgery. In 2014, one in five babies was born via caesarean. The rates have increased dramatically over the past few decades in most regions



小さく生まれた赤ちゃんのケアをビデオでご覧になれます(April 2017)

Global Health Media: Care of small babies video series

子どもの生存と健康のための重要事項:新生児・小児疾患統合管理(IMNC2)から将来に向けての教訓(February 2017)


-youtubeでも紹介されています(February 2017)


2016年一年間の記事のまとめ(February 2017)
