We provide total care services for the eye disease in childhood from neonates to school children, whose visual systems are most remarkable in development. We prevent severe amblyopia by the early treatment for strabismus, congenital cataract and other pediatric eye diseases. It is our policy that the best treatment can be accomplished by the close communication between the medical team and patient’s family.
Surgery is performed usually around the age of two years. Visual acuity, ocular alignment and binocular vision will be followed up.
Appearance is the purpose of surgery which is usually performed before the school age.
Ocular torticollis is corrected by the surgery before the school age.
Probing is the first choice of treatment before the age of one.
Kissen suture and Hotz procedure are chosen.
2 to 3 months of age for surgery in severe cases, usually at 2 to 3 years.
Early surgery followed up by long-term amblyopia treatment with contact lenses. Intraocular lens is the first choice for patients over 2 years old.
Ranibizumab injection, laser photocoagulation and vitrectomy are performed.
Orthoptists provide all sorts of visual aids and supervise visual training.